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Enter the tranquil tea room at SaBi Tea Arts and take a moment to reawaken your senses with Kōdō, Japanese Incense Ceremony.
Join us to learn about this traditional art form whose roots stretch back over a millennium!

Dōjin Arts writes, “Set in a traditional tatami tea room, guests will be led to participate in kumikōー a form of incense appreciation exercise developed around the Muromachi period (1338–1573). Experience and compare several types of highly fragrant woods in a game that incorporates seasonal and literary references.
This introductory session is the perfect opportunity for those brand new to kōdō to learn in an immersive and welcoming environment.”

Sunday, March 23, 2025
SaBi Tea Arts ( 3675 W 16th Ave, Vancouver )
20 seats are available between two 90-minute lessons:

Morning session: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm (up to 10 guests)

Afternoon session: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (up to 10 guests)

Lesson fee: FREE!

Seats will be reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis! Complete the Google Form above to reserve your spot today!

Once registered, you will receive a copy of your response. You will be contacted with a confirmation of your place after registering.

You may register your interest for both lesson times, but since this is a free lesson, each guest may only attend once.

If no seats are available for your preferred lesson time, we will contact you with next steps.

We will record a waitlist, so if your plans change, please contact us right away. This will allow us to offer the opportunity to someone else who is eager to join.

We will be in contact again closer to the date to reconfirm attendance and share the guidelines for attending a kōdō session once more.

This free event was made possible with the generous sponsorship and support of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

Thank you!

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