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We are very excited for our second JETAA Kyara-ben Contest, a collaboration between JETAA Portland, JETAA BC and JETAA PNW! Join us on July 11th at 11:00 AM (PDT) via Zoom for a fun afternoon of friendly competition and getting to know people from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

This year’s theme is Regions of Japan, and the second most important criteria for your bento (after your character of course) is to create your design around the theme. You should choose one region or prefecture of Japan, and highlight something special from that region in your bento. You can choose anything that represents the region, such as mascots, scenery, landmarks, regional foods, agricultural products, etc, and incorporate it into your bento through either your character, ingredients, or design. Be prepared to describe how your interpretation relates to the theme in your paragraph description to the judges in the submission form.

For more information please visit: https://jetaabc.ca/20210611-kyara-ben-contest/

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