あけましておめでとうございます! Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!
It is time for our Annual General Meeting and Shinnenkai. This year’s event will be held at 1 Athletes Way in Vancouver (with the option to attend via Zoom), on Friday, January 26, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00pm. We will begin with a meet-and-greet before proceeding into our AGM and Board of Directors election.
Your RSVP is kindly requested by Friday, January 19, 2024 at agm@jetaabc.ca or at this RSVP form.
The AGM is your chance to participate in the election of our new Board of Directors and other important JETAABC business. Please consider running for a position! A brief description of positions is provided below. If you would like to run for a position but cannot attend the AGM, please send a platform to agm@jetaabc.ca by January 19, 2024.
Date: Friday, January 26, 2024
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
- In-Person: 1 Athletes Way, Vancouver (please RSVP)
- Online: Zoom (please RSVP)
Available Positions:
- Acts as the official representative of JETAABC.
- Liaises with the Japanese Consulate, CLAIR and JETAA Canada representative.
- Chairs the Board of Directors meetings and facilitates JETAABC activities and communications.
- Advises and coordinates all JETAABC activities in conjunction with the Board of Directors.
- Spearheads JETAABC long-term planning and vision.
- Maintains records of JETAABC’s finances (eg. bank deposits, balancing cheque book).
- Reports on the financial activities at the monthly Board of Directors meeting.
- Prepares the application for the CLAIR grant-in-aid, and liaises with CLAIR on related matters.
- Prepares the agenda for and takes minutes at meetings.
- Maintains the minutes, all files, documents, and correspondence for JETAABC.
- Organizes meeting dates and locations; orders refreshments for meeting.
Communications Coordinators – 2 positions
- Maintains and updates membership and contact information of all alumni in the JETAABC database.
- Updates and maintains email mailing list.
- Prepares and digitally distributes JETAABC email updates.
- Maintains JETAABC’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.
- Facilitates communication between the Board of Directors and JETAABC members.
- Encourages alumni to join JETAABC.
Volunteer Coordinators – 2 positions
- Solicits and directs volunteers for the pre-departure orientation and community events.
- Serves as the primary contact for alumni interested in getting involved with JETAABC.
- Organizes the annual volunteer appreciation event.
Technical Coordinator
- Manage JETAABC servers, email accounts, and website.
- Set up online payment for JETAABC events.
- General IT support.
External Liaison
- Brings JETAABC members in touch with other JET alumni associations.
- Develops relationships with outside organizations (eg. Mokuyokai, Powell Street Festival Society, Nikkei Place) to allow JETAABC members to maintain their connection to Japan and Japanese culture.
Social & Cultural Coordinator
- Organizes events and RSVPs throughout the year: Japanese cultural activities (ie. workshops & gatherings) or provides support for board members organizing such activities.
- Serve as sponsor/coordinator for Japanese language class
- Writing up event description and marketing for external communications
Career Development Coordinator
- Develops and organizes career-related and personal development events ie. networking events and workshops.
- Organizes the annual Re-Entry & Career Seminar in the autumn for new returnees.
Senior Advisor
- Filled by someone who has previously served on the Board of Directors.
- Offers guidance and input on Board decisions and dialogue.