On August 9-11, 2024, JETAABC hosted the JET Alumni Association of Canada National Conference, with support from JETAA Canada, the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) / Japan Local Government Center (JLGC) New York, and the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver. The conference location was Simon Fraser University’s Burnaby campus. 

JET alumni delegates in attendance included representatives from all seven Canadian JETAA chapters (Ottawa, Toronto, Québec / Atlantique, Prairies, Northern Alberta, Southern Alberta, and British Columbia & Yukon), as well as JETAA Canada, USA, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and International. In addition, representatives were present from both CLAIR / JLGC New York and the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver.

A reception was hosted by Deputy Consul General Satomi Okagaki on behalf of the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver to welcome the delegates on Friday, August 9. Members of the local Japanese and Japanese Canadian communities as well as academic institutions were also present. The reception began with welcome speeches from Deputy Consul General Okagaki and JETAA Canada country representative Alena Seibold, followed by a toast from JETAABC President Danielle Markewicz. After the reception, a nijikai was hosted by JETAABC at a local pub on SFU campus. 

Saturday, August 10 was a full day of conference programming, beginning with opening remarks by Masahiro Enso (CLAIR/JLGC) and Ryoko Hasegawa (Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver). This was followed by chapter report presentations from the Canadian and international JETAA chapters. Delegates then participated in three workshops discussing the current status of membership and support, cross-chapter information sharing, and brainstorming new opportunities. The day wrapped up with a dinner reception hosted by the delegates from CLAIR/JLGC in downtown Vancouver.

The final day of the conference, Sunday, August 11, started with a presentation from CLAIR/JLGC, then a discussion and vote on the host chapter for the 2025 conference, and finally an interchapter event workshop where delegates brainstormed and planned events with representatives from other JETAA chapters. We look forward to seeing the fruit of these discussions in the upcoming months!

The conference finished with a cultural excursion to the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre. Delegates first visited the Nikkei Farmer’s Market which showcased local Japanese and Japanese Canadian vendors and artisans. This was followed by a Taiken Tour where delegates learned about the history of Japanese Canadians. The delegates also viewed the exhibition gallery, the archive open house, and the cultural rooms of the facility, including the martial arts dojo and tea ceremony tatami room. 

We hope that the delegates enjoyed their time in BC and were able to forge new connections and learn from the experiences of their fellow JET alumni associations across Canada and internationally. We look forward to meeting again next year! 大変お疲れ様でした!