あけましておめでとうございます! Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!
It is time for our Annual General Meeting and Shinnenkai. This year’s event will be held at BCIT’s Downtown Campus, in Vancouver (with the option to attend via Zoom), on Friday, January 17, 2025, 6:00 – 9:00pm. We will begin with a meet-and-greet before proceeding into our AGM and Board of Directors election.
Your RSVP is kindly requested by Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at agm@jetaabc.ca or at this RSVP form.
The AGM is your chance to participate in the election of our new Board of Directors and other important JETAABC business. Please consider running for a position! A brief description of positions is provided below. If you would like to run for a position but cannot attend the AGM, please send a platform to agm@jetaabc.ca by January 15, 2025.
Date: Friday, January 17, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
- In-Person: Room 472 – 555 Seymour Street, BCIT Downtown Campus, Vancouver (please RSVP)
- Online: Zoom (please RSVP)
Available Positions:
- Acts as the official representative of JETAABC.
- Liaises with the Japanese Consulate, CLAIR and JETAA Canada representative.
- Chairs the Board of Directors meetings and facilitates JETAABC activities and communications.
- Advises and coordinates all JETAABC activities in conjunction with the Board of Directors.
- Spearheads JETAABC long-term planning and vision.
- Maintains records of JETAABC’s finances (eg. bank deposits, balancing cheque book).
- Reports on the financial activities at the monthly Board of Directors meeting.
- Prepares the application for the CLAIR grant-in-aid, and liaises with CLAIR on related matters.
- Prepares the agenda for and takes minutes at meetings.
- Maintains the minutes, all files, documents, and correspondence for JETAABC.
- Organizes meeting dates and locations; orders refreshments for meeting.
Communications Coordinators – 2 positions
- Maintains and updates membership and contact information of all alumni in the JETAABC database.
- Updates and maintains email mailing list.
- Prepares and digitally distributes JETAABC email updates.
- Maintains JETAABC’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.
- Facilitates communication between the Board of Directors and JETAABC members.
- Encourages alumni to join JETAABC.
Volunteer Coordinators – 2 positions
- Solicits and directs volunteers for the pre-departure orientation and community events.
- Serves as the primary contact for alumni interested in getting involved with JETAABC.
- Organizes the annual volunteer appreciation event.
Technical Coordinator
- Manage JETAABC servers, email accounts, and website.
- Set up online payment for JETAABC events.
- General IT support.
External Liaison
- Brings JETAABC members in touch with other JET alumni associations.
- Develops relationships with outside organizations (eg. Mokuyokai, Powell Street Festival Society, Nikkei Place) to allow JETAABC members to maintain their connection to Japan and Japanese culture.
Social & Cultural Coordinator
- Organizes events and RSVPs throughout the year: Japanese cultural activities (ie. workshops & gatherings) or provides support for board members organizing such activities.
- Serve as sponsor/coordinator for Japanese language class
- Writing up event description and marketing for external communications
Career Development Coordinator
- Develops and organizes career-related and personal development events ie. networking events and workshops.
- Organizes the annual Re-Entry & Career Seminar in the autumn for new returnees.
Senior Advisor
- Filled by someone who has previously served on the Board of Directors.
- Offers guidance and input on Board decisions and dialogue.